The NetX charge point extender is a three-socket charge point that increases the number of charging sockets of an existing single charge point.
NetX is funded by Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) in partnership with EB Charging, Southend Council, Watford Council and Drive Electric.
Project status
Ongoing: began September 2019
EV charging infrastructure is costly and many sites do not have the required capacity for a Rapid charger and as such they use slower charging models which can take between 8-5 hours to fully charge a battery. As the number of EVs on the road is ever growing EV drivers were reporting that they consistently could not find a charger which was not occupied in their nearby vicinity. As a work around many businesses with multiple EVs would set up messaging groups and rotate their vehicles throughout the day. As an inexpensive solution EB charging approached Hangar 19 to design and manufacturer a product which could turn one EV charging sockets into three. Thereby allowing more EV drivers to charge from existing infrastructure without having to buy more chargers or pay for expensive electric supply upgrades.
Current solutions in the market
Our research has shown that that charge point manufacturers are now addressing increased demand by selling multiples of their single/dual socket products. Some manufacturers have begun addressing increased demand with products that are a master and satellite type design where there are many satellite charge points/connectors connected back to master controller. These designs still require significant civil works to install and therefore cost to expand a site to support charging more vehicles is still high.
Project approach
The NetX project has led to the complete design, manufacturing and installation of the Hubeleon Trio Charge Point and the Hubeleon TrioX charge point extender.

What does it do?
The NetX charge point extender is a three-socket charger that can replace an existing single charge point. The NetX Trio charger technology is being tested as part of the Innovate UK supported ‘Electric Vehicle (EV) Network Extender (NetX) Field Trial’.
Can make one existing charging socket into three sockets. This means available parking spaces nearby, can be better utilized as EV bays. Also it removes the frustrating need for drivers to regularly move their vehicles to accommodate more EV drivers.
Robust design which can operate internally and externally.
Has it’s own 4G and Wi-Fi connection
Operates on the Hubeleon platform, which Monitors charging, manages usage, remote support.
Connection cables are supplied in three lengths – 3, 5 and 10 m, to give further range to where the device can be installed.
Adaptable and can be fitted to post, wall or bracket for unit SWARCO and EV Link post
Sold in both single and three phase variants
The NetX addresses a number of key issues preventing the uptake of EVs:
The EV charge point (EVCP) owner needs fully charged vehicles moved to maximize their return, by selling electricity to other drivers. Without NetX ECVP owners must force charged vehicles to move, or oversupply charge points.
Moving charged EVs is tiresome for drivers, e.g. on a residential street where vehicles are left for 6-8 hours, NetX will allow multiple vehicles to charge from a single connector.
The NetX increases utilization and accessibility of existing infrastructure without additional street-furniture.
Once a vehicle is plugged into a charge point, it prevents other vehicles charging until finished, the Net allows three vehicles to charge simultaneously from the same connector.
Commercial application
The NetX projects expands on the products Hangar 19 offer with solutions no other supplier in the market can match. H19 will leverage this position to increase market share of charge points operated by Hubeleon.
During the project, several different manufacturing models have been explored and currently we have Trio Extenders operating from Swarco, Alfen and Schnieder Electric charging stations.
Strengthened business case for installing EVCPs as car park managers do not need dedicated EVs spaces when they only represent <2% of the UK car fleet.
Improved user experience by increasing the number of available connectors, whilst reducing the need to move a vehicle to share access with others.
For local authorities it means any legacy charging infrastructure provides the widest possible impact and for those moving to a revenue generating network, will also increase their return.